Oak – Tasmanian/Victorian Ash

Oak – Tasmanian/Victorian Ash

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus regnans, Eucalyptus obliqua or Eucalyptus delegatensis

Other Names: Australian Oak

Source Location: Tasmania, Australia

Stability: Very Stable

Durability in Ground: Non Durable

Durability Above Ground: Non Durable

Density: Approx 700kg/m3 (at approx12% MC)

Dimensions: Generally available in sizes up to 200x50

Appearance: Tasmanian Oak is light in colour, varying from straw to reddish brown with intermediate shades of cream to pink.
Grade: We stock the select grade which is free of knots and has occasional gum pockets.
Uses: Tasmanian Oak is used for flooring, panelling, furniture and joinery.
Tips: Being a light timber, it is recognized for its excellent staining qualities, which allow ready matching with other timbers, finishes or furnishings.

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