Beech – Southland Silver

Beech – Southland Silver

Botanical Name: Nothofagus menziesii

Source Location: West Coast of the South Island.

Stability: Stable

Durability in Ground: Moderately Durable

Durability Above Ground: Durable

Density: Approx 600 kg/m3 (approx at 12% MC)

Dimensions: Generally available in sizes up to 200x50 and 100x100.

Appearance: Heartwood is pinkish brown and sapwood light greyish pink.
Grade: Grades available are pinhole and knotty grades right through to clear grade which is defect free.
Uses: Furniture, panelling, rod and dowel manufacture, turnery, brushware, flooring and interior finishing. It is widely used for motor body building; its excellent steam-bending properties are an asset here.

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