Beech – European

Beech – European

Botanical Name: Fagus Slyvatica

Source Location: Europe

Stability: Moderately Stable

Durability in Ground: Not Durable

Durability Above Ground: Durable

Density: Approx 720 kg/m3 (approx at 15% MC)

Dimensions: Euro Beech is currently available in Random Width and Dressed Two Face in 23.8mm, 36mm and 48.5mm Thickness

Appearance: European Beech offers a medium range of colour variability in each of the colour ranges this wood is offered in. In the drying process, Beech which is steamed yields a pink/orangey tan colour, while the unsteamed Beech yields a blonde tan coloured wood. WFI offers steamed Beech. Within each of these selections, Beech ranges in colour from a light cream colour on through to a medium tan brown and when steamed will have the pinkish/orangey overtones. Although it dries rapidly and fairly well beech has a tendency to warp, twist, check and split and shrink considerably.
Uses: European Beech varies somewhat in ease of working and machining according to growth characteristics. It works fairly readily and is capable of good, smooth surface. Takes glue readily, stains and polishes satisfactory.
Tips: Beech wood machines very well and has an exceptional stain acceptance. Being a dense wood, it tends to split along the grain, so pre-drilling is a must for nails and wood screws. Although beech wood is not very durable outdoors, its durability increases amazingly when constantly soaked. That’s why beech wood came to be used for building water wheels and underwater ship elements when white oak or other traditional water-resistant wood was not available.

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